The Gold Laser Cory Catfish (Corydoras sp. CW010), also known as the Gold Stripe Cory Catfish, is newer species in the hobby, that is native to Peru. Because it is rare in the hobby is in high demand also due to its coloration of a metallic green body with a thick neon yellow (gold) stripe along its shoulder and side. It is a very active and distinctively marked schooling fish that is perfect for most setups including nano, community, and planted aquariums. It has not yet been scientifically described, but many experts believe that it is possibly a geographic color variant of Corydoras aeneus or C. melanataenia.
Environment for Gold Laser Cory
Native Peru, the CW010 is a peaceful fish that enjoys dark, soft bottom aquariums with smooth rocks or sand. They prefer water temperatures from 72f to 80f and a PH from 6.5 to 7.2. They would do well in a well-filtered 10-gallon, but a 20-gallon or larger is preferred. These fish have sensitive barbells or whiskers and one should have the proper substrate for them. To keep their barbels (whiskers) in the best condition, fine sand or smooth gravel should be used as the substrate.
Feeding Gold Laser Cory
Corydoras are omnivorous and will eat a variety of foods. Good Quality sinking food like Dr. Bassleer Biofish Food or Northfin Kelp wafers is a great choice. Most high-quality sinking food will be fine. They will also eat fresh vegetables like cucumber or zucchini.
Take a look at other Corys for sale at Michaels Fish Room here. Corydoras do best in a group of 6 or more. They are great for the community fish tank as they are peaceful and will help keep the bottom clean. They do well with livebearers, plecos, tetras, and most other peaceful fish.